Dr. Rob Congdon - European Union Expert

In September of 2006, Robert Congdon believed the time had come to expand his ministry to include countries outside of the United Kingdom and the United States. Leaving the American mission organization that he had represented for 10-years and returning to the United States, he started his own independent ministry, Congdon Ministries International, Inc., in January 2007.
While in Britain, Dr. Congdon sought to assist the local churches by bringing Bible teaching in response to the needs expressed by the church leadership. Over the last 50 years, British churches had seen a militant attack upon dispensationalism/premillennialism* doctrine and the literal, historical, and grammatical Bible (hermeneutic) interpretation. Dr. Congdon observed that as churches turned from a premillennial doctrinal view of prophecy to an amillennial/covenant position, they lost their sense of purpose and direction. Evangelism and mission programs declined and disappeared. Over time, the local church died of its own making, largely due to their change in understanding of the role of Israel, prophecy, and the church.
Recognizing this often repeated pattern of decline, Dr. Congdon seeks to counter this decline by bringing Biblical understanding of the relationship of Israel and the church to church leadership and the people in the pew. Through pulpit messages, Bible seminars, and church conferences, he assists the local church and enables Bible believers to understand and to defend their belief in the Rapture, the coming Tribulation, the Second Coming of Christ, and the 1000-year Millennial rule of Christ upon the earth. This teaching has enabled many Christians to better understand the Scriptures and God's plan for history. As a church's understanding grew, so does its sense of direction and evangelism.
The Internet Bible Institute, www.InternetBibleInstitute.com, expands this outreach beyond the United Kingdom and further equips believers to serve their Lord and to prepare them for their role as the Bride of Christ in the Millennial Kingdom. Today's IBI has students around the world.
Congdon Ministries now offer Bible teaching assistance to local churches and their leadership throughout the world. Many churches lack sufficient background to counter the challenges by movements, such as the purpose-driven church, the emerging church, post-modernism theology, Replacement Theology, etc., all are the result of the amillennial view of history. Few realize that amillennialism began in the 4th century and gradually removed premillennialism from the early churches.
Dr. Congdon is available to assist your church or assembly in understanding these important issues and how they affect your local church. Feel free to contact him to better understand the dangers facing the local church today.