
* President Barack Obama defeats Romney to win re-election President Barack Obama has been re-elected to a second term, defeating Republican challenger Mitt Romney.
* Netanyahu: Israel-US alliance ‘stronger than ever’ Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu congratulated US President Barack Obama on Wednesday for winning a second term.
* Abbas, Erekat hope Obama will push for peace Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday congratulated US President Barack Obama for his reelection victory.
* Egypt’s Mursi Hopes Obama Victory Will Boost ‘Friendship’ Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi on Wednesday congratulated President Barack Obama on his re-election victory.
* Obama re-election signals new phase in Syria war Western efforts to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad shifted dramatically Wednesday.
* Iran to take part in nuclear-free Middle East talks Iran, accused by the West of seeking to develop a nuclear weapons capability.
* Voters Backed Changes in Western Values American voters not only re-elected President Barack Obama, they also supported, in some states, change in traditional Western values by favoring marijuana and marriage among homosexuals, strictly prohibited by the Bible.
* Exit Polls: Obama Won 69% of Jewish Vote President Barack Obama won 69 percent of the Jewish vote, compared with 78 percent in 2008.
* Second time around, Obama victory fails to enthuse Arab world Arab commentators were divided Wednesday on whether Barack Obama’s victory in the US presidential race bodes well for future Arab-American relations.
* Merkel calls Christianity world’s ‘most persecuted’ religion Opposition lawmakers and human rights groups are criticizing German Chancellor Angela Merkel for claiming that Christianity is “the most persecuted religion worldwide.”

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