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Jimmy DeYoung's Podcasts

Jimmy DeYoung's Podcasts

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Due to circumstances beyond our control, we will be changing the servers on which our website and podcasts are hosted. What that means is that the address for our podcasts will change, and unfortunately, you will have to re-subscribe to any podcasts you wish to continue to receive. Nothing else will change, just the address of the podcast. You can use the links below to subscribe. We apologize for this unavoidable inconvenience.

Thanks again for your interest in Bible prophecy and specifically our podcasts. It is our prayer that we will be able to continue to serve you with the edifying message of the soon-coming Return of Jesus Christ through our new web servers and the continuing podcasts until Christ indeed calls His Bride home to be with Him. So check the link, and let's keep looking up, Until!

Prophecy Today Daily
Jimmy DeYoung's 5-minute daily report which includes the day's top story and Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the news.

To subscribe, just copy and paste this web address into your podcatcher, or press the button for iTunes.

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A Look at the Book
Jimmy's 15 - 20 minute in depth daily Bible study where he covers either a prophetic book of the Bible or a topic in prophecy.

To subscribe, just copy and paste this web address into your podcatcher.

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Prophecy Today Weekly
Now you can listen to Jimmy's weekend call-in broadcast in its entirity. If you miss part of the live broadcast, or if you just want to review the insightful interviews, the informative Prophecy Q & A, or the instructional Prophetic Prospective on the News - you can hear it all on Jimmy's Prophecy Today Weekly Podacast.

To subscribe, just copy and paste this web address into your podcatcher.

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Jimmy DeYoung's Breaking News
Jimmy DeYoung brings you prophetically significant breaking news stories from around the world, as they happen, and gives his prophetic insight into how these events relate to Bible prophecy. You can get the latest news as it happens from Jimmy DeYoung's Breaking News Podcast.

To subscribe, just copy and paste this web address into your podcatcher.

What is a podcast?
A podcast is one way of getting information out over the Internet. It might help to think of it this way. A podcast is like a magazine, and a web site is like a TV channel.

A TV channel is on all the time, but the shows change whenever the owner changes them, and if you wanted to watch a certain show, you had to watch it when the owner decided to air it, or not at all. A magazine is delivered to you, and you can read it whenever or where ever you'd like.

A web site can change at any time, and there's no way for you to change it back t o the way it was before. A podcast gets delivered to your computer so you can listen or watch it whenever you'd like.

How do podcasts work?
There are two main people or groups involved in a podcast - the producer and the subscriber. The producer is the person or group that creates the podcast. The subscriber is the audience, or the people that listen to or watch the podcast.

The producer records the podcast and uploads it to the Internet. The podcast software automatically downloads the latest podcast, and the subscribers can play it whenever they'd like.

How do I get it?
The way a subscriber signs up for a podcast is simple. There are programs called podcatchers which keep up with the latest episodes of podcasts. The most popular program is called iTunes, which is free and works on Windows or Mac OS X. However any podcatcher will work with any podcast. Here is a list of other podcatchers.

Also, just to be clear, one does not need an iPod or any other portable mp3 player to listen to a podcast - it can be played on nearly any computer with an internet connection and speakers.

To subscribe to a podcast, the subscriber simply copies and pastes a web address, or URL, into the podcatcher, and he is signed up to receive instant updates. Sometimes, it is as simple as clicking on a button on a website.

Whenever a subscriber wants to play the latest episodes of his favorite podcasts, he just opens up his podcatcher, clicks "update" or "check for new episodes." Once the podcasts are downloaded, the subscriber presses "play". He can even leave the podcatcher running, and set it to automatically look for updates which will be downloaded and ready to play whenever the subscriber is ready.
