“In many Muslim countries … the mosques are monitored by the police on Friday. There is a simple reason for this: many political decisions start from the mosque during the Friday khutba [sermon]. Historians of Islam know that many riots and revolutions were launched from the mosques and that jihad is often proclaimed during the khutba.” Continue reading
Category Archives: News Articles
Iraqi Kurds warn PKK amid Turkey air strikes
Iraq’s Kurdistan region has urged Turkish Kurd separatist forces of the PKK to leave civilian areas amid continuing Turkish air strikes. Continue reading
Islamic State recruitment document seeks to provoke ‘end of the world’
An apparent Islamic State recruitment document found in Pakistan’s lawless tribal lands reveals that the extremist group has grand ambitions of building a new terrorist army in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and triggering a war in India to provoke an Armageddon-like “end of the world.” Continue reading
How IDF Intelligence failed to predict ‘Hamastan’ in Gaza following Israeli pullout
A year before the evacuation, the Southern Command warned of ‘Hamastan in Gaza,’ but Army Intelligence was quick to dismiss it, while the Shin Bet estimated Hamas was interested in calm; those who did try to alert of the dangers of leaving Gaza were pushed aside, while the rest toed the line. Continue reading
Architectural Plans for Third Temple Have Begun
While most Jews mourn and pray, one organization has been busily preparing plans to rebuild.
Where Mark Twain viewed a ‘holier’ Western Wall
Original Article
There is a section of the Temple’s retaining wall far closer to the sacred Holy of Holies than the traditional site of prayer, and it’s open to all Continue reading
Hamas ‘summer camp’ trains 25,000 Gazans as fighters
Hamas aims to train 25,000 ‘new generation liberators’ in its new summer camp program, which takes in ordinary Gazans and teaches them shooting, first aid, and tunnel warfare. Continue reading
Iran Deal: Europe’s Chief Negotiator Sympathized with Iran
Given the capitulation to Iran’s geopolitical ambitions represented by the agreement reached in Vienna on July 14, a spotlight is likely to fall on the pivotal role played by Europe’s chief diplomat.
Few guessed that while stating the “security of the world” was at stake during negotiations with the Islamic Republic of Iran, Federica Mogherini also felt “political Islam” should be a part of Europe’s future. Continue reading
Roman Legion Camp Unearthed in Megiddo, ‘Site of Final War’
Discoveries revealed in camp excavation of legion that destroyed ancient Israel, at site where war for final redemption believed to begin. Continue reading
In first, imperial Roman legionary camp uncovered near Megiddo
Unique find offers first opportunity to understand how the Roman military was organized in the eastern empire
Archaeologists unearth remains of 2,000-year-old Galilee garrison of Sixth Legion Ferrata, where 5,000 men kept order at time of Bar Kochba Revolt — the only permanent Roman military camp ever discovered in region Continue reading