The year 2015 will go down in memory as a period of unprecedented Christian persecution throughout the world, resulting in thousands of deaths along with continuous targeted acts of violence and terror. Continue reading
Author Archives: jimmy
Abbas’s Fatah celebrates 51 years of terrorism
PA head’s faction jubilantly marks a half-century of ‘sowing terror among sons of Zion’ since it’s first attack on Jan. 1, 1965. Continue reading
ISIS plotting “to slaughter THOUSANDS” in 2016 in bid to spark huge FINAL BATTLE with West
ISIS is planning to massacre thousands of civilians in public places around the world in 2016 as it desperately seeks to draw the west into a titanic “final battle”. Continue reading
ISIS release chilling new “end of the world” video showing final battle with “crusaders”
The terror group have released footage showing an ISIS armored vehicle advancing towards Colosseum in reference to the “armies of Rome”. Continue reading
Demise of the Palestinian Authority is only a matter of time
The fact that hundreds of Palestinians are willing to die in order to kill Jews can’t be fully explained by either Abbas’s narrative (occupation) or Netanyahu’s (incitement). Continue reading
In new “Star Wars,” echoes of famous films, including Nazi propaganda
Saudi Arabia’s war of independence
Analysis: Their disappointment with Obama has led the Saudis to adopt a sophisticated and aggressive strategy. No longer the world’s oil barrel, Riyadh is now using oil prices to remove American companies from the market, punish the Russians for their support of Assad and shatter Iran’s hopes of exporting large amounts of oil.
The fact that Saudi Arabia succeeded this week in creating an Islamic coalition to fight jihadist terror is impressive by all measures.
“One Christian Slaughtered Every Five Minutes”
Muslim Persecution of Christians: September, 2015
- “I do not understand why the world does not raise its voice against such acts of brutality.” — Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregory III.
- The White House said it was preparing to accuse the Islamic State of genocide against religious minorities, recognizing various groups, such as the Yazidis, as victims. However, Christians are apparently not going to be included.
- An NGO report states that one Christian is slaughtered every five minutes in Iraq, and that, “Islamic State Militants in Iraq are using Christian churches as torture chambers where they force Christians to either convert to Islam or die.”
- When Pope Francis stood before the world at the UN, his energy was, once again, spent on defending the environment. In his nearly 50-minute speech, only once did Francis make reference to persecuted Christians — and their sufferings were merged in the same sentence with the supposedly equal sufferings of “members of the majority religion,” that is, Sunni Muslims. Sunnis are not being slaughtered, beheaded, and raped for their faith; are not having their mosques bombed and burned; are not being jailed or killed for apostasy, blasphemy, or proselytization.
- “What is happening in Lebanon is an attempt to replace the people with [Muslim] Syrians and Palestinians.” — Gebran Bassil, Foreign Minister of Lebanon.
Catholics should not try to convert Jews, Vatican says in landmark document
Christianity and Judaism are intertwined and God never annulled his covenant with the Jewish people, document reads. Continue reading
Israel, Jordan unveil $800m joint plan for “Red-Dead” canal
As well as rejuvenating the rapidly diminishing Dead Sea, the canal will bring drinking water to both countries.