Jimmy DeYoung's Prophetic Prospective Daily Devotional

Monday, December 1, 2008

Ezekiel 38:18

And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that my fury shall come up in my face.

For further study – Ezekiel 38:1-39:6

In the text that I have chosen for the devotional for today we see the names of the present-day nations, or at least a portion of the list of nations, that will align themselves against the Jewish State of Israel.

This passage is a “foretelling” of the military action that will happen in the Middle East in the first three months of the coming “Tribulation Period”, the seven years of judgment on this Earth in the future.

The “battle of Gog and Magog” is what the prophet is discussing with us in this passage. It is an “alignment of nations” that will come to Israel to destroy the Jewish State. In this passage we not only see the “who” and the “when”, but we also see the “what”, that which happens during the coming seven-year period of judgment known as the “Tribulation”.

In verse 2, “Magog” is modern-day Russia, “Meshech and Tubal” along with “Gomer and Togarmah”, in verse 6 is present-day Turkey. “Persia” in verse 5 is Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The other two names, “Ethiopia and Libya”, are also nations that will join the “alignment” to attack Israel.

These nations make up the “who” in this passage. The “when” is revealed to use in two verses, verses 8 and 11. These verses speak of the time when the Jewish people come back into the land in the last days and are “dwelling safely” in the land. They also will be living in “unwalled villages”.

Both terms are referring to a time when there is “peace” in the land. It will not be the time when Jesus has brought “peace” but a time of a “pseudo-peace” one that will be a “short-lived” peace. This “peace” comes when the Antichrist has established a “peace” in the land, which is in the very beginning of the Tribulation.

The “what” is the unfolding of the war to destroy the Jewish people and take the “land” that God has given the Jews. As these nations attack Israel, God intercedes, verses 18 to 23.
Couple this with the verses found in Ezekiel 39, verses 1 to 6, and you come to an understanding that the Lord protects His “Chosen People”.

Verse 2, of Ezekiel 39, indicates that 5 out of every 6 Muslims will be destroyed at this battle. This actually renders inoperative the entire Muslim world. This has to be done so that the “one world religion” can be set up in Rome, Italy. Islam will not co-excess with any other religion, thus it must be removed.

This passage in Ezekiel 38 and 39 helps us to understand why the nations of the Middle East and the Islamic world hate the Jews and want to destroy the Jewish State. These nations will continue to do what they can to eliminate Israel until this prophecy is fulfilled.

However, the “Battle of Gog and Magog” will not come to pass until after the Rapture of the Church. The Rapture happens just before the appearance of the Antichrist with his “peace treaty”.

As we look at our world today it is evident that we are quickly approaching the days described in our devotional passage for today. That means that the Rapture must be very near, “perhaps today”.

PRAYER THOT: Thank you Lord for the understanding of Bible prophecy for the last days. It helps me to recognize where I am on Your time clock. Help me to live expecting You to come today.
